3 Tips to Encourage Your Child to Practice Karate at Home
Karate positively impacts children because it improves their overall development including motor functions, coordination, strength, and social skills as well as it being an enjoyable activity. This sport requires a lot of practice, hence why it’s important to take the time to do so whenever you can.
Practicing for karate shouldn’t just take place in class, it should also carry into the home. Practicing at home will not only help students to refine their skills, but will also help the speed at which students develop. If you want to encourage your child’s development further and help them to succeed, we at American Karate Institute have listed three tips on how to encourage your child to practice karate at home between his or her Miami karate classes.
1. Set a Practice Time Each Day
In order to help your child follow through on his or her goals, it’s important to create a set practice time every week. The ideal practice time should be set around school work and dinner time.
Another factor to keep in mind is the length of each practice session. An hour is considered too long and may burn your child out from wanting to be involved in karate. The recommend length of each practice session should be around 20 minutes. Many things can be accomplished in 20 minutes with a well-structured training program.
If you have questions as to what a well-structured training program should include, please feel free to ask one of the instructors.
2. Create a Practice Area
An ideal practice area should be open, allowing plenty of space for practicing kick and punching combinations. Consider that the space does not have to be big. An area that is 10 feet by 10 feet would suffice nicely.
3. Praise Your Child for Their Hard Work
Effort and hard work should always be praised, especially when it comes to children because that’s how they learn. Positive feedback boosts motivation as well as encourages them to do better. Constructing a rewards system for your child’s hard work may considerably increase their success in this sport and in life.
Contact American Karate Institute for 2 Free Trial Classes
At the American Karate Institute, we teach a way of life. Our karate classes in Miami have developed a well thought out curriculum that teaches more than just the art of self-defense. We delve deep into our students’ technique, skill set, intelligence, intuition and overall physical fitness. Contact us today and schedule two free trial Miami karate classes!